Removing Dust Photoshop

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Removal Of Dust is always necessary to make image look smooth and crisp. So , here is how we will show you the steps to remove dust from any image, where you can see dust, noise or grains. Firstly we have to duplicate the image layer Ctrl+J to duplicate. Right click on the image and select Convert to Smart Object/Go to Filters Menu and select Convert To Smart Filters, so that we easily make changes to the image later. Now you can see the dust and the grains/particles in the image and we need to remove it to make the image look smooth and crisp. Now Go To-> Filters->Noise->Dust & Noise. Adjust the radius until you see all the dust gone from the image or at least most of the dust. Once you are satisfied you ,click on OK.

Next, Create Layer Mask by selecting on the current layer, now to we need to simply paint on the layer White-Shows the Current Layer & Black-Hides The Current Layer & Shows the Below Layer. So we should paint on the mask black where there no noise or dust and to remove dust particles paint white on them. Just as in the video we painted the whole fish, because it doesn’t have any dust particles. After completion, you will see a difference between the before and after image layers. You can do this process 2-4 times until you see a smooth image, but for the sake of length of the video we made it at one go. Finally you can remove the other dust particles which are not removed by content aware fill or dust and noise filter effect. Finally combine everything into one layer by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E. Now You can see the difference between the old image and dust removed image. That’s All!

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